Intuit Network

Designing identity services to open Intuit’s network

The financial world operates on data about its customers - that leaves you and me filling out gigantic forms for accounts, loans, etc. When you do your taxes, you enter much of the information financial institutions ask you for.

We’re trying to make finances a little easier by letting you share your TurboTax data with banks and lenders.

*user flow doc blurred for NDA


The challenge

Look at mortgage prep. Customers in the U.S. spend 60 million hours per year filling out lengthy forms to apply for a mortgage.

If a customer has filed taxes with TurboTax, we have most of that data. How can we share it with trustworthy mortgage lenders in an easy and safe way?


My approach

As a member of the One Intuit Identity team, I collaborated with a TurboTax innovation team to design the user flow for connecting TurboTax to a mortgage provider.

This document detailed four main flows that users could end up in based what data they had given Intuit and what data the user’s bank could share on the user’s behalf.


The impact

This user flow enabled the innovation team to prove to leadership that their concept was feasible and had support from my group.

It launched in a limited test with two mortgage providers, and is cutting the application time by about 70%.