Password-less login via
eye mounted wearable

Concept - using wearable tech to create hands-free authentication

No one enjoys logging in. 

In this concept I explore how an internet connected, camera enabled eye mounted wearable (possibly a smart contact-lens) could aid in password-less and hands-free login.


The challenge

Security is often the inverse of convenience, how do you get around that?

Remembering credentials to every site has become a task only achievable by savants. We've created two factor auth for some time savings, but still requires tracking down silly codes. 

What if there was another way?


My approach

This concept uses a standard soft token for login, but a new way to create and deliver it.

The user simply launches the app, the wearable eyeglass or contact lens detects the app via camera, recognizes a unique pattern in the animation, then sends a soft token to the app for authentication. Simple as that.  

Below is a diagram and video of how this could work. The wearable camera recognizes the app, and uses bluetooth to deliver the auth token from the wearable device to hand held device.

Using bluetooth could also add to how sure we are it's the user, because it ensures proximity between the two devices, wearable and hand held.



The impact

This has the potential to remove typing from login and save many many hours of time lost to login struggles.