One Intuit Identity
Concept Video

Using design to lead at Intuit

After 30 years as a desktop software company, Intuit has to rapidly connect its ecosystem of products across the cloud.

This is the story of how I created a high-fidelity video prototype in After Effects and Final Cut, on a $0 budget, to show how our One Intuit Identity service could share data to deliver a consistent user experience. 

*Due to NDA, I can’t share the video


The challenge

Decades of walls exist between many of Intuit’s products. To compete with young companies building their architecture from the ground up in the cloud, we need to connect our products in ways that are meaningful and valuable for our customers.

Simultaneously we have to provide a paradox of increased ease of access and increased security against behavioral hacking, where a hacker uses a mix of public and guessed or stolen information about a user to gain access to their account.

Finally, to round out the challenges, I had to deliver this project on a $0 budget.


My approach

I worked closely with four product teams to develop a storyline that took a fictional user from a user of one product to a user of three products, and brought their data with them in valuable ways.

While defining a storyline, I learned new tools to deliver this vision in the highest quality way. I had previous experience with video editing, but had to learn how to green-screen animated UI screens onto a moving iPhone in a video clip. 


The impact

The concept video is being presenting to leaders in a variety of business units as a key part of a case for increasing my team’s resources to make this vision a reality.

Current impact has been to drive productive conversations across designers, PM’s, developers and business leaders, and give teams a common vocabulary for talking about ecosystem efforts.